The Project will increase connectivity and integrate public spaces to deliver a more vibrant, accessible and pedestrian friendly environment. It will include contemporary public infrastructure like quality street furniture, dynamic lighting, more greenery and opportunities for public art.
•Infrastructure to support increased night-time vibrancy, events, activation and private sector investment in the CBD
•Urban canopy greening
•Infrastructure to enable redirection of traffic and improve pedestrian experience.
Support Requested
Funding. (circa $20M) Advocacy - coordinated approach - consistency with project advocacy across government levels and key stakeholders
For more information, please contact
City of Launceston Council
P: (03)6323 3000, E:
This project was presented to a forum of 50 northern leaders on 20 September 2023. As part of the forum leaders were asked to provide their thoughts on projects presented.
What three words describe the benefits to Northern Tasmania, of the project’s success?
What is the order of regional priorities that the project addresses?
Building prosperity
Contributing to the culture of the north
Contributing to the health of the environment
Contributing to the Northern Tasmanian and Tasmanian brand
Improving well-being and social outcomes
The word cloud and circle bar graph here reflect those leaders’ collective view.