This project aims to deliver a project scope and development roadmap for the proposed East Coast Positive Impact Tourism Plan (ECPIP). A plan that creates the framework for responsible future tourism growth – a key initiative within the East Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2025 (DMP). This scoping work and development pathway:

1. Addresses the threats associated with tourism growth and the need for community involvement in the design and management of visitor experiences

2. Identifies the lack of a singular place brand and decision-making framework that the tourism industry, Councils, and PWS can embrace to unite the East Coast tourism vision and experience

3. Evolves the tourism planning approach to more united and connected process to deliver positive impacts for community, culture, and conservation alongside the visitor economy.

Support Requested

Secure $100k per year over 3 years to complete the following schedule:

Year 1: Community consultation to inform place making and place branding

Year 2: Design decision making framework identifying priority projects

Year 3: Activation

For more information, please contact

Grace Keath

Phone 0467 818 438

Email: ceo@eastcoasttasmania.com.au