North East Rail Trail – Stage 3
The North East Rail Trail is a 40 km re-development of the disused rail corridor from Lilydale to Scottsdale, for non-motorised (e-bikes excepted) multi-use recreational purposes; bike riding and walking, including the construction of associated value-adding infrastructure such as signage, interpretation, and bike rack installations. The project is Stage 3 of the North East Rail Trail and will link with the existing 28km of rail trail already established in Stages 1 and 2 from Scottsdale to the Billycock to provide a critical mass of trail of approximately 70km in length.
Northern Tasmania is a regional economy in transition from a previous heavy reliance on resource commodity production and manufacturing, to a more diversified economy with an emerging service‐based economic platform. The North East Rail Trail Project was created to assist this transition through a targeted investment that utilises the region’s biophysical resources. The project will result in the creation of greater economic activity via increased visitation to the region as well as the economic stimulus resulting from the development of support industries and businesses (accommodation, hospitality etc.). The project also represents a positive health and well-being opportunity for the region through the provision of a low/no-cost recreational facility for visitors and local residents to utilise. This will create increased physical and mental health, decreasing financial burden on the healthcare system, and improving community resilience and social connectivity while developing greater liveability across the region to attract and retain residents.
Support requested
Since the project’s inception and commencement costings have increased significantly. Further funding is required to realise this project’s potential. (Costings TBA – currently gathering)
For more information, please contact Dorset Council
P: (03) 6352 6500, E: