QVMAG’s Art Gallery is northern Tasmania’s premier visual arts institution. It is home to the significant holdings of the QVMAG visual art and design, The First Tasmanians: our story exhibition which is a powerful example of co-creation between QVMAG and the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, and the world-renowned natural sciences collections. Further progress is required as well as modernisation to increase visitation and maintain its cultural relevance.

This project will involve the construction of a contemporary addition to the Art Gallery. The addition will feature a large, multi-functional exhibition space, a cafe, retail space, and parking.

By offering high-quality food and event experiences and capitalising on the unparalleled views of Launceston’s Cataract Gorge, the redevelopment will cater to more contemporary exhibition, event, and food experiences.

Support Requested

Project costs - estimated at $75 million

For more information, please contact

City of Launceston Council

P: (03)6323 3000, E: contactus@launceston.tas.gov.au

This project was presented to a forum of 50 northern leaders on 20 September 2023. As part of the forum leaders were asked to provide their thoughts on projects presented.


  1. What three words describe the benefits to Northern Tasmania, of the project’s success?

  2. What is the order of regional priorities that the project addresses?

    • Building prosperity

    • Contributing to the culture of the north

    • Contributing to the health of the environment

    • Contributing to the Northern Tasmanian and Tasmanian brand

    • Improving wellbeing and social outcomes


The word cloud and circle bar graph here reflect those leaders’ collective view.