York Cove Redevelopment Precinct Plan

This will provide an outline for the redevelopment of a foreshore management plan lining the Commercial Business Centre and York Cove precincts. The Plan will provide an outline and direction for community attractions, projects, and development opportunities around York Cove. This project seeks to reclaim the York Cove foreshore through the removal of sediment build-up and improve environmental conditions with the installation of flow control infrastructure. York Cove has been the waster side recreation area for the township of George Town for many generations. This project will return the asset to the community while providing commercial and tourism opportunities ranging from improved moorings, restaurants, waterplay, fishing, and boat hire.

Support Requested

Investment request of $1.5M

For more information, please contact George Town Council,

P: 6382 8800,

E: council@georgetown.tas.gov.au